Useful Information
Illness and Medicines in School
Sometimes children feel unwell during the day or have accidents at school. If this happens we have staff on site qualified to look after your child until we can contact you. Therefore, it is important that you ensure sure school is informed of any change of address and/ or emergency telephone numbers for you.
If your child needs to take any sort of medication whilst at school, please inform the school office where you will be asked to complete a parental consent for school to administer medicine. Please ensure you complete both forms - Form 1 and Form 2 (paper copies of these forms can be provided by the school office).
Inhalers should be named and will be kept in a box on the teacher’s desk for Foundation and Key Stage 1 children with older pupils taking more responsibility through discussion between parents and the school.
NHS - Your Guide to being self-care aware
Our Stay Well Derbyshire website (Stay Well Derbyshire ( contains specific information on how to treat minor conditions and is useful for parents. There is also a Facebook Page:
The 'Self-care Aware' campaign supports new guidance issued by NHS England. Over 50 million people a year visit their doctor for a minor condition and spend over £136 million a year on prescriptions for medicines which could be bought from a pharmacy or supermarket. We are working hard to engage with local GP's and pharmacies, school nursing teams as well as schools and other groups to actively support and encourage people to buy medicines instead of visiting GP's to request a prescription. The guidance covers over 35 conditions which are considered to be self-limiting minor conditions and includes coughs and colds, conjunctivitis, fever, sore throat, rashes and hay fever.
Parents who obtain over-the-counter medicines are able to authorise their use in school, where appropriate for their child, with written parental consent, as per school policy. All medication MUST be labelled (or labelled by the parent) with the child's full name and school name.
Find out more about self-care at: Self-care (
The National Parents Campaign to Beat School Bug Bullies
An easy to use guide for parents to fight back against head lice:
School Meals
For information regarding the Derbyshire County Council Catering Service including school meal menus, please follow the link below:
Primary food explorers - Derbyshire Catering Service
Should your child have any special medical dietary needs. Please contact the school office to discuss so we can make arrangements with our school catering staff. Further information and the relevant medical diet forms to complete can be found by following the link below:
Allergies and special diets - Derbyshire Catering Service
Free School Meals
Free school meals - Derbyshire County Council
School Immunisations
Intrahealth offer annual Flu Vaccinations to all children in Reception to Year 6.
Intrahealth use an e-consent form for the Flu programme which will be sent out to parents annually when we receive notification of our school's annual flu vaccination date.
Should you need to contact the School Age Immunisation Team they can be contacted at the Clay Cross office on 01246 252953.