Pilsley Primary School

Pilsley Primary School

Inspire, Respect, Achieve

Station Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S45 8EU


01773 872378



Home Learning - Supplementary Activities

We would suggest when looking for additional activities for your child that you focus on:

a. Work that is similar in content to that already provided.  This may be for instance a different spelling sheet containing the same words or Maths problems using the same level of number and/or number operation.  In this way children won't become frustrated at attempting work that is not at their current level.


b. Choosing work from within their given Year Group (Y2 work for Y2 children) unless already discussed with the class teacher.


c. That your child may already have done enough of the basics such as writing, grammar, spelling and maths and would benefit from enriching the curriculum via Art, Science, Music, etc.


Oak National Academy

The government and the BBC have worked with a set of teachers to produce daily online lessons.  These are not necessarily linked to the work we are tailoring for your children but can be used for additional learning. The Oaks National Academy website schedule can be found here.


BBC BItesize/Home Leaning

BBC Education are to provide daily lessons.  We may incorporate some of the in our learning programme but we are sure there will be some high quality opportunities provided by the BBC who have worked with some excellent educational providers.


National Literacy Trust

The National Literacy Trust have good links based on age group to recommended educational support websites and activities.



We do use elements of Twinkl to supplement our teaching.  There is much more available on their website and currently a free access offer for parents due to Covid-19.  Please note these will need to be printed.  Current code - UKTWINKLHELPS


Time Tables Rockstars

All pupils in Y3-Y6 have access to  TimeTables Rockstars.


Phonics Play

For Foundation 2, Y1 and for those in Y2 who want to practice Phonics Play has games from Phase 2 and 3 (F2 and Y1) through to Phase 4 and 5 (Y1 to Y2).



Sumdog is not something the school has used but others have.  Maths, reading and spelling activities for 5-11 year olds.


Teach Your Monster to Read

Teach Your Monster to Read is a super early reading programme/game.  May be some in-app purchases on tablets later on but a super motivator recommended for F2 and Y1 that starts slowly but quickly learns what you can do.


Tiny Happy People

The BBC website Tiny Happy People has activity suggestions for children from 0 (yes 0!) through to 5 years old.


Further Resources

More and more are being added everyday.  Please look at the government website if you are looking for further inspiration:

Online Educational Resources.

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