Pilsley Primary School

Pilsley Primary School

Inspire, Respect, Achieve

Station Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S45 8EU


01773 872378

Delivering the Pilsley Curriculum - Key Factors

Delivering the Pilsley Curriculum - Key Factors

The Pilsley Staff Team are constantly evaluating not only the content of the curriculum but also how we deliver that skill and knowledge effectively.  This process is important so that we can enable as many pupils as possible to reach their potential within education. 

Key factors for many children that affect their learning revolve around how they think, how they feel emotionally, succeed socially and understand their own abilities.  Understanding yourself is a big step towards having a positive attitude towards how you judge your own success and accept mistakes as learning opportunities. This has a huge impact on how well children learn and retain that learning.

At Pilsley Primary we tailor our teaching to try and maximise these key factors.  Please click on the links below that detail factors that effect our teaching approach.

Growth Mindset





These are factored in to our Teaching and Learning Policy below:

Teaching and Learning (Education) Policy



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